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Mateo Ojeda

''Mateo Ojeda is a Colombian composer based in Germany. His music reflects to a great extent his being and thinking: natural, quiet, sensitive, authentic and real. It emanates at the same time a powerful, raw, wild and native sound due to his origin. It is, therefore, a strange and interesting hybrid between the rustic and the contemporary, between the folkloric and the academic.

His musical work has been awarded more than 10 times in composition and film festivals. Among them, the prestigious PEER RABEN MUSIC AWARD for "Best Short Film Music" at Soundtrack Cologne, Germany.

Ojeda is currently writing the music for his sister Diana Ojeda's documentary LAS BRAVAS, which has been selected by CANNES DOCS for its MARCHÉ DU FILM at the CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 2022.'' - Press

Mateo Ojeda is a Colombian composer based in Hamburg, Germany. He has been composing pieces for concert, films, television and advertising music since 2003. He won recently AUDIBLE LO INVISIBLE 2023 for his orchestral work ''Cambimbero'', the DEUTSCHER MUSIKRAT STIPENDIUM 2022, the GVL NEUSTART KULTUR 2021 and the DEUTSCHE ORCHESTER STIFTUNG 2021 for his debut album ”Selbstporträt” and the prestigious PEER RABEN MUSIC AWARD  2019 for ”Best Music in a Short Film” at SoundTrack_Cologne 16 in Germany. 


Ojeda has been awarded several composition’s prizes in Colombia and Germany for his concert pieces: CAMBIMBERO (2023), TRES Y CUATRO (2021, commissioned by Junge Musikakademie Hamburg), ONCE (2018), PANTALEÓN NIÑO CHICAMOCHA (2015), GALÁN POEMA SINFÓNICO (2013), EL MUNDO DE VERONA (2006) and ONCE COLORES SORDOS (2003). He has written music for more than twenty short-films and two full-length documentary films. Most notably, ‘‘PANTALEÓN” (2019), a Colombian short-film  about a country boy who is forced to go to the end of the thousand-day war in Colombia; ‘‘AGUA:CERO (2015)’’, a Spanish documentary about water, (filmed in Africa, India and South America, produced by We Are Water Foundation) and ‘‘INFIERNO O PARAÍSO (2014)’’, an acclaimed Colombian documentary film about an addictive life directed by Germán Piffano. 

He obtained a Bachelor in ¨Music Theory and Composition¨ with Prof. Blas Atehortúa, Adolfo Hernández and Pedro Sarmiento at Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, UNAB in Colombia and Kontakt Studium Diploma in  ¨New Composition Techniques¨ with Prof. Helmut W. Erdmann, Sascha Lemke and Prof. Georg Hajdu at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg and European Live Electronic Centre (EULEC) in Lüneburg, Germany. He has attended as well Workshops, Masterclass and Lectures about composition and film music in Colombia, England, Austria, Spain and Germany. 

He worked as a teacher at Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Universidad Manuela Beltrán and Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Bucaramanga and Bogotá Colombia from 2006-2012 teaching Film Music. From 2014-2021 worked in Hamburg and Lübeck, Germany as a music teacher at Junge Musikakademie Hamburg, Rock-Pop Musikschule Lübeck, Happy Music School and Creative Music School.  

Currently he works as a composer in his own studio ”ROJO SOUNDDESIGN & FILMMUSIK” and private music teacher in Hamburg, Germany. He is an official member of The Colombian Cinematic Arts Academy, GEMA (German society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights) and RIMA (Iberoamerikanisches Netzwerk von Musikern und Künstlern in Germany).

Ojeda ist writing the music for the documentary film LAS BRAVAS, from his sister Diana Ojeda, who has been selected by CANNES DOCS for its MARCHÉ DU FILM at the 2022 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL. 


Workstation, 2020

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